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Pre-set diamond rings
Your wedding is just round the corner and you have not yet decided on the design of the wedding ring. Look no further. There are innumerable sites that sell pre-set diamond rings at unbelievable prices. All you have to do is select the best design and the right size, you even do not have to pay for the shipment.


While there is no scope of choosing the design, it saves you a lot of time in last-moment wedding plans. You can choose from an array of designs, which include rings with center piece of few small diamonds or Sapphire or Emeralds.
If you are still confused, trust the following list for the best decision.

Pre-set diamond engagement rings: Diamond engagement rings can be either customized or pre-set. You can either choose for a single center-piece diamond, which could be round, princess, emerald, cushion cut, pear-shaped, oval or heart shaped. You can also choose the one with a center-piece surrounded by smaller diamonds. Some of the other engagement ring trends include art deco 0.40 carat center engagement ring, 1 carat look ring, Oval Halo engagement ring, and more.

Pre-set precious stone rings: An emerald-set ring or the one set with blue sapphire could add that glint to your wedding. You can choose a ring which has small diamonds surrounding the precious stone to add an extra edge. These could be costly, but are worth the price because of their cut, shine and color.

Pre-set special wedding rings: Most people are choosing the most un conventional wedding rings these days. These are either simple eternity bands, set in white Gold or Platinum, or double bands, set with diamonds. Also, you can choose these designs on emerald setting. Some also choose the ring which have floral and leaf motifs.  
However, ensure that whenever you are buying wedding jewelry, the stones and the diamonds are certified and hallmarked.
These are not the proof of authenticity for the stones alone, but also determine the shine and the cut of the stones. If you are still not confident of buying the diamond yourself, take a friend who knows of a place or someone who has already bought wedding jewelry from a shop.
But, before that, fix your budget and then set out for shopping. Moreover, you should have your own and your partner’s ring size ready to avoid any further delay.
Also keep the following things in mind: 
Preset diamond rings without a diamond grading certificate are listed with their color and clarity range. This does not represent the quality or the polishing of the diamond. In fact, the color and the clarity of the diamond is also not represented by this range.
Therefore, it is best to buy preset rings from trusted shops who can guarantee you on the quality and the cut of the stones. You can even go back to them if a stone falls off or you have any other issues. They will not misguide you on the quality of the product you are buying and would give you a clear-cut feedback on the sale. 

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