6 Reasons Why Lab Grown Diamonds Should Be Your First Option
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6 Reasons Why Lab Grown Diamonds Should Be Your First Option for an Engagement Ring

If you are in the market for an engagement ring that uses lab created diamonds, then you are in good luck as this is not just a stone but a value defining decision. The following are the six reasons as to why you should consider lab grown diamonds.

1. They Are More Affordable

The other major advantage with lab grown diamond is the price. Creating man-made diamonds in a lab is far less expensive than going out and mining, which ultimately helps to drop the prices for consumers who are purchasing these diamonds.

The cost is the most appealing to most, as lab grown diamonds are typically 60% cheaper owing to increased production techniques that enable for larger stones or better quality cut being preferred without breaking the bank.

Why it matters: 

With lab grown diamonds, the cost versus realistic monetary value makes the most sense. Savings that could otherwise be allocated to important costs such as the wedding, honeymoon, or a more complex and detailed setup of the engagement band.

The loss when buying natural diamonds

2. They Are Eco-Friendly 

Diamond Mining leaves the mother earth damaged and vulnerable. It is often associated with deforestation, habitat loss and erosion of soil, especially the top soil. It requires a lot of energy and water as well and therefore contributes to pollution and ecosystem damage in the mining areas. 

However, as the technology for natural diamond replacement grows, artificial diamond stones made in a laboratory and little harmful effects on the environment were developed. They do not cause many of the negative effects of conventional methods of mining, despite the use of many resources. 

Make impact as such: 

By purchasing lab grown diamonds at Diamonds-USA, you make a wiser, eco-friendly decision, reduce your environmental impact and enjoy a beautiful diamond. It is a good way of showing love for both the partner as well as the earth. 

3. They Have Ethical Origins 

Natural diamonds may be referred to as conflict diamonds or “blood diamonds” as they are mined in war regions or areas of civil turmoil enabling the mining companies to buy arms. While the diamond industry has been able to resolve some of those issues, buyers still have some concerns. 

Some of the lab manufactured diamonds can be regarded as a moral choice. Due to the fact that they are made in laboratories, they do not carry the ethical issues that surround mining, and wars, and strife areas. Moreover, lab grown diamonds are completely traceable which bestows reassurance to the people wary of the ethical practices associated with sourcing.

Why it matters: 

There is assurance of an ethical practice as the lab grown diamond rings are produced without causing an impact to the damaging situations.

4. They Give the Same Shine and Quality 

One of the myths surrounding lab grown diamonds is that they are less valuable than the naturally occurring ones, which is far from the truth. Lab grown diamonds are produced using the same chemical, optical and physical components as any natural diamond would.

Diamonds of both types consist of carbon atoms arranged in the same crystal structure, just created in different locations. Natural diamonds are formed subtle deep inside the earth for millions of years. Lab diamonds on the other hand are produced in weeks but in advanced science laboratories. Even though they are produced in different times the end product is the same. 

Why it matters: 

Lab grown diamonds indeed offer beautiful sparkle and brilliance as their natural counterparts. There is no need for any beauty constraints and instead, there will be extra advantages such as low price and ethical consideration. 

5. They Are Perfect for Unique Engagement Rings.

3 carat lab Emerald diamond engagement rin

Affordable 3 carat Emerald lab diamond ring

When it comes to engagement rings, lab grown diamonds are perfect for making custom engagement rings. Affordability and ethical nature of production also allow more space in designing the ideal ring.

Whether it be a simple solitaire, or a more complicated design, the possibilities with lab diamonds are endless. With the savings, you can invest more in the design of the ring, or you can select a large diamond due to budget constraints. Or get yourself a stunning pink diamond.

Blue and Pink affordable lab grown diamonds

Blue Emerald and Pink Pear lab grown diamonds

Why it matters:

Custom rings give you an option to create something that is different from the rest while telling your story. Lab grown diamond studded rings and other ornaments enable the buyers to create a cherished piece, which is not only aesthetically rich but is also significant in its essence.

6. Resale Value and Out-of-the-Pocket Expenditure

Though natural diamonds can be repurchased again, most often, they are repurchased at around 55% loss of original value. For instance, say you buy a rough diamond of 1.50 carat, G VS1 for 10500 dollars, when you will sell it, it will most likely only sell for around 4725 dollars, and thus, you will be at a loss of around 5775 dollars.

In lab diamonds, however, although there is some resale value, price of these gems is considerably lower. In this case you can find the exact lab diamond at about 950 dollars, and since the resale of diamonds is never significant, your only cost is just 950 dollars. And you can continue enjoying it!

Why it matters:

Considering that the average price of lab-created diamonds is much lower, even though their resale rates are not impressive, the initial costs and savings are ideal for retail shoppers looking out for affordable purchases.


When selecting the stone of the engagement ring, one shouldn’t hesitate to pick lab grown diamonds. These look and shine just like natural diamonds with additional features such as being affordable, ethical, and sustainable.

There’s a growing awareness about what one is purchasing nowadays, and equally sorely needed status, lab grown diamonds proudly wear both of these traits. Cut costs, cut debris, or create a custom design you like – lab grown diamonds can do everything.

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