Record Breaking Price for Flawless Colorless Diamond at Sotheby’s Auction
Anemerald cut 100.20 carat diamond was sold at Sotheby’s Auction on 21stApril which garnered a record breaking $22.1 million. D color, Type IIA,internally flawless, the diamond is quite exceptional and has become world’s mostexpensive one. It was a part of the Magnificent Jewels in the auction and now hasthe title of being the world’s most expensive diamond ever sold. This gigantic rockis the most perfect emerald cut diamond to ever appear at an auction and hence somuch anticipation. Originally 200 carat, this colorless diamond was extracted froma South African mine and also holds the title of being the most expensive colorlessdiamond.
Itis rare to find an emerald cut diamond so big in size with such perfect features.Hence, it now holds the title of being the most expensive diamond to be eversold at an auction.