Ashes to Diamonds: A Thoughtful Way to Remember the Loved Ones Lost
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Ashes to Diamonds: A Thoughtful Way to Remember the Loved Ones Lost , News 93

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Businesses around the world pull off new stunts every now and then in hopes of garnering some extra attention. While some backfire sending them backseat, while others get catapulted forward into the limelight. These sporadic publicity strategy is not a new thing in the jewelry industry. Jewelers go to great lengths to get their brands and products noticed. While some spend ridiculous sums on promotion and launch, others invest in bringing together the best and brightest into the team. There is one company that is making headlines recently by its unique idea of creating ornaments from the ashes.

An Extraordinary Idea

As far as ideas go, this is a pretty imaginative one. Heart in Diamond, a startup company, has rocked and revolutionized the way in which families grieve for the loss of one of them. This company has the craft to transform the ash or hair of a departed person into gorgeous diamond jewelries. These jewelries are fashioned to commemorate the loss. Heart in Diamond is the first few company to have come up with some an extraordinary initiative. For what it’s worth, the service is very unique and a rather powerful one, in that it creates an everlasting bond between the living and the departed.

APA on Bereavement

The American Psychological Association says that allowing yourself to remember the relationship you shared with a deceased person is preferable way to deal with the grief. Wearing a jewelry in honor of the person that serves as a constant reminder is a straightforward way of countering the feeling of bereavement. To sustain a loss of someone close is not an easy thing. It requires one to look at the emotions squarely in the eye to be able to get over it. So, working your way around it is definitely not the solution. It neither honors the bond you shared with the person, nor helps in the process of mourning the loss. In the light of that, this idea of transforming a hair or a handful of ash into a spectacular diamond is psychologically conducive. It may show us to way to remember a person fondly long after they are gone. 

How It’s Done?

How it’s done is actually chemically interesting. The jewelers take the sample of hair and mix it with the ash from the cremation of the deceased person. They then treat the portion together with extreme heat and pressure. Under such extreme conditions, the carbon content leaves the ash. The extracted carbon is then treated in induced environment to be changed to diamonds.

Before the ash is taken to the laboratory, the buyers are asked to choose a particular piece of diamond from their display. The ash is then thermally and chemically treated to be transformed into a diamond of the chosen mass, carat and clarity. Next, the jewelry is designed and the diamond is mounted in it. The company has over 500 options in gem settings to choose from. Families and relatives of the deceased can even place a customization order for engravings.

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