From:Cathy Daviscu4ahornsby@ix.netcom.comDate: Mon, 7 Jan 20
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Diamonds-usa review 991, "...There was no one that could come close to your prices are all wonderful people ..."

Monday, January 7, 2002
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 18:19:36 -0500

Dear Mor,
You absolutely may use our response on your site, we again were very impressed
with you and hope it may save other people the hassle of shopping around for months.

Take Care

Cathy Davis
At 15:15 05/01/02 -0500, she wrote us this mail:

Dear Diamonds-USA staff:
We received the diamond we ordered from you on Sunday December 23, 2001. It
was exactly what we had been looking for. We have since taken the diamond to
a jeweller in Portland, Oregon who will be making my wedding ring. I would
like to thank all of you for your help and will absolutely use your site again.
There was no one that could come close to your prices even the diamond
broker in Seattle that the jeweller making my ring referred us to. You not
only have the best prices but to be able to see a picture of the actual
diamond is invaluable

Again, thank you you are all wonderful people to deal with and we will
certainly be using your site again.


Cathy Davis
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